The Grayson School provides gifted children a challenging, research-based education worthy of their intellect and their intrinsic desire to learn and think deeply. We serve as a valued resource for the gifted education community in Philadelphia and nationwide.
The Grayson School is Pennsylvania’s only Pre-K through grade 12 independent school designed specifically to meet the needs of gifted children. Our innovative program is tailored for intensely curious and intellectually fearless students through challenging academics, project-based learning, and creative enrichment in a nurturing environment. At Grayson, we are passionate about helping gifted students find a place where they can be challenged and have a chance to grow — opportunities they may not have elsewhere. Not all gifted children are the same, and we know that they need different things from school: high-ability learners need to be able to progress at their own pace and at their own level, and they benefit from interaction with both intellectual and social peers.
To deliver such a rich and varied array of educational opportunities, Grayson’s faculty members are flexible and creative, experienced in the classroom, experts in their subject areas, and well-versed in the needs—both emotional and intellectual—of gifted children. Our faculty and staff have extensive, ongoing professional development requirements each year in understanding and nurturing the academic, social and emotional development of gifted children, and can appropriately support their needs. Please read more on our Philosophy.
We are deeply committed to providing the best possible educational environment for gifted students. The Grayson Research Advisory Board is comprised of researchers who are luminaries in gifted education and align with our mission; these thought leaders in high-ability learning support programming are available to us for consultation and professional development. Similarly, we have a Field Advisory Board comprised of experts in the fields of education, media, giftedness, and the social-emotional development of children; these leaders in the field have proven track records of excellence, and we are gratified to be able to call upon them for information, advice, and best practices. Finally, Grayson is supported by the efforts of its Executive Board of Directors, whose members are passionate supporters of gifted children and their education as well as being prominent community members in the greater Philadelphia area.
We recognize that exceptional ability knows no boundaries, yet that inequitable access to resources may prevent gifted students who are disadvantaged from reaching their potential. Providing adequate and appropriate resources, and identifying and meeting the needs of all our students is central to our mission.
Maintaining a diverse community across dimensions is a priority, and we believe that diversity and equity are essential aspects of providing an optimal education for gifted students. We utilize research-based curriculum and pedagogical strategies to integrate these tenets into the foundation of the programming of our school. Through culturally responsive instruction and ongoing opportunities for interaction with diverse peers, both within school and the broader community, a Grayson education will promote the citizenship development, social awareness, complexity of thinking, and communication skills essential for our students to thrive in an increasingly multicultural nation and global economy.
For more information, please read our non-discrimination policy and process.